Sales points

PKF – Prague Philharmonia Box Office

Kulturní dům Ládví, Burešova 1661/2, Prague 8
Metro C – Ládví station (10 minutes from the center, Exit: KD Ládví)
Tram 10 | Bus 152, 166, 177
T +420 224 267 644, 

Opening hours: Tue 1.30 – 5 pm, Wed 1.30 – 7 pm, Thu 9.30 am – 12.30 pm

The PKF – Prague Philharmonia Box Office in Husova Street 7, Prague 1 has been closed. Thank you for your understanding.

Where to find us

Online sales

Online sales through ENIGOO

Subscriptions can also be conveniently purchased online..

Contact us

If you want to buy subscriptions or tickets directly, contact us at:

By phone +420 224 267 644 or to

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague