Presentation of 21st-century Czech music (I): Hanuš Bartoň and Michal Nejtek

Contemporary music series S
Dlouhá 33, Praha 1

Subscription price: CZK 1 500 | CZK 1 000 (senior citizens 65+)
Single ticket price: CZK 400 | CZK 300 (senior citizens 65+)
Student/child up to age 15: CZK 100
Family ticket (2 adults + children under 18): CZK 100 per person
Donor’s ticket in support of the PKF’s artistic activities: 2 000 CZK

Individual tickets are available from June 14th, 2021.

Buy a subscription

composer, guest
composer, guest
Hanuš Bartoň
32 Variations on the D Note for Violin, Clarinet and Cello (2016)
Hanuš Bartoň
“In D” for Solo Clarinet and a Soundtrack (2004)
Michal Nejtek
Tasted Thoughts for Clarinet (2015)
Hanuš Bartoň
Ten Miniatures for Wind Trio, Series II (2009)
Michal Nejtek
Trois morceaux délicieux for Clarinet, Piano, Violin and Cello (2016)
Partner OSA

Dear visitors, we apologize, but the concert will take place on a different date. We will announce an alternative date soon.

Program Notes

“I have known Michal Nejtek for a long time. I remember how he came to me for consultation while still studying at the conservatory, and it occurred to me at that moment that if I continued my engagement in music, this would probably not be our last meeting. Today we are colleagues and we both teach composition at the Faculty of Music of the Academy of Performing Arts.

I seem to like the D note, which forms the basis of two compositions of mine. Yet each of them is different.

„In D“ for Solo Clarinet and a Soundtrack is the result of playing with the sound of the spoken word. Once I read a musicological article, and suddenly, in the middle of that professional article, I was caught by surprise by a part of one sentence, “because it is possible to predict the future“. It was like from another world, a completely unexpected change in the style of interpretation and mood, just what I like in music. I recorded that fragment of speech on my computer, and the track with the color of its sound in my computer became the basis for my long-planned composition for clarinet. It came out in D major.

32 Variations on the D Note, on the other hand, is a pun. When Beethoven could write his 33 great variations on a not so great theme by Antonio Diabelli (which is in C major), I got the idea of writing one variation less, but entirely without a theme.

Ten Miniatures for Wind Trio, Series 2 is the second attempt in my oeuvre for a composition in the form of a television series. The principle is that each miniature gradually develops into a situation which gives rise to the next one.” Hanuš Bartoň

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague