Presentation of 21st-century Slovak music: Ľuboš Bernáth and Matej Sloboda

Contemporary music series S
Dlouhá 33, Praha 1

Subscription price: CZK 1 500 | CZK 1 000 (senior citizens 65+)
Single ticket price: CZK 400 | CZK 300 (senior citizens 65+)
Student/child up to age 15: CZK 100
Family ticket (2 adults + children under 18): CZK 100 per person
Donor’s ticket in support of the PKF’s artistic activities: 2 000 CZK

David Danel
1st violin
Roman Hranička
2nd violin
Ondřej Martinovský
Balázs Adorján

Daniel Havel — flute 
Martin Fila — 
Jindřich Pavliš — clarinet 

Matej Sloboda  guests 

Matej Sloboda
Bizzarie di Varie Figure: Labyrinth of the World I for Solo Piccola (2021, Czech premiere)
Ľuboš Bernáth
Sonata fantastica for Violin, Clarinet, Cello and Piano (2018)
Matej Sloboda
Bagatelles for String Quartet (2013)
Ľuboš Bernáth
String Quartet No. 2 “Structures and Impulses” (2015)
Matej Sloboda
Bizzarie di Varie Figure: Labyrinth of the World II for Piano, Double Bass and Viola (2021, Czech premiere)
Partner OSA

Program Notes

String Quartet No. 2 “Structures and Impulses”
“My second string quartet was created in 2015 to mark the 70th anniversary of the death of Béla Bartók. This composer has fundamentally influenced my compositional thought up to this day, and I believe that for a long time he will continue to be in the center of my interest. I have tried to write a quartet that will incorporate Bartók’s characteristic compositional elements and idioms. At the same time, the main musical material is born logically and gradually from basic impulses, which in the end give the composition a real structure and shape.

To put it simply, the concept of fugue apparent in the fourth movement has been born out of individual partial cells of the first movement. This subsequently gives rise to tonality, while in the second and third movements there are elements having the character of an archetypal dance.” L’uboš Bernáth

General partner
Komerční banka
With support
Hl.město Praha
Ministerstvo kultury
Principal partner
General media partner
Česká televize
Principal media partner
Hospodářské noviny
Partneři zvuku
Portu Gallery
Wood & Company
Centrální depozitář cenných papírů
Mozart Prague